Thursday, April 9, 2009

VS 2008 Beta 2 Silverlight Reference Problems

I have installed VS 2008 Beta 2, Silverlight Alpha Refresh and the Silverlight tools for VS.

Then I have created a SilverLightProject. But when I am going to build this project I am getting the following warnings:

The following reference not found:

I cannot understand why this problem is comming.

I tried on the net. But not getting any solution. Then I tyied the following and solve the problem.

First I Install the "Microsoft Silverlight Tools Alpha for Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2".

Then re open the Visual Studio SilveLightProject, which I was created before. Then tried to build it. Still facing the same problem.

Second I Install the "Microsoft Silverlight 1.1 Alpha".
Then re open the Visual Studio SilveLightProject, which I was created before. Then tried to build it. Its amazing....:) Its working fine now....

Its working now.

I found that before installaton of "Microsoft Silverlight 1.1 Alpha" that, there in "Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight" folder did not contan the above reference dll. So I was getting errors. But after complete this installation, I got these all dll's there and so my problem was solved.

So try like this. Enjoy the SilveLight.:)

Vijay Modi

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